IDRC - Celebrating 25 Years

1993 - 2018

Continuing Our Work During COVID-19

Read the letter regarding COVID-19 by IDRC Director, Jutta Treviranus.

Head shot of Joseph, smiling Caricature by Taras Kowaliw
Caricature by Taras Kowaliw, 2001


My main interests are how to use the semantic information within the GUI to provide alternative access for persons with disabilities, and how to improve that information to give them an even better user experience. Here are some of the projects I have worked on, roughly from the present to the past:

What I am interested in is how to represent the functionality of a given piece of software independent of how users interact with it. The idea is that once that functionality is defined in a way that does not presume any specific user interface, one can then define various kinds of user interface that engage different senses, including the GUI, voice recognition, audio/speech, and haptics.


From time to time, I write down my thoughts on some topic or other. These documents can be found in the musings section of this site.


I am married to Judy and we have a son, Alistair, and a cat named Isaac.

Hobbies and other interests include fantasy role playing, jogging, juggling, and piano. I can juggle three.

For a more extensive biography, go to my biography page.

ASCII art; depicts a clown's head

Joseph Scheuhammer, Ph.D.
OCAD University 
2nd Floor
205 Richmond St. W.

Toronto, Ontario
M5V 1V3

TEL: (416) 977-6000 ext 3960
EMAIL: clown dot idi at gmail dot com
Twitter: xlown clown