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Jon Kameoka


At the A.T.R.C. (Adaptive Technology Resource Centre), my position is that of Adaptive Technology Technician which involves looking after the computers in the Workshop area, maintaining the computers in the carrels in Microtext (3rd floor), lending technical support to the Vision Technology Service (A.D.P. program at the A.T.R.C.) and trying to fix any other problems with the computer systems before they get out of hand.

Jon Kameoka
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto
First Floor
130 St. George St.
Toronto, Ontartio
M5S 3H1
TEL: (416) 978-4360
FAX: (416) 971-2629


I have a B.A. in Business Administration with a minor in Economics from Brock University. Most people ask, "where is that?", it's in St. Catharines, Ontario, "where's that ?"; QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS!; here's a MAP.

In the summer of '98, I was fortunate to go on an Outward Bound canoe excursion. It was the best time I've had in awhile and would encourage anyone to give it a go!

And no I don't work, for them, so there!!

If you'd like to see photos of the trip click away!

....and by the way, GO LEAFS GO !!